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Dir-li adéu a Déu

Vaig dir-li adéu a Déu perquè marxava un temps.

El temps, va ser per sempre i no va voler tornar. 

Les figues seguien obertes a sobre la taula, però ningú no gosava menjar-les.

Era l’últim recordatori d’aquell Agost, aquell Abril, el més trist de tots.

Vaig contar els 23 dies que em quedaven per enlairar-me.

Si ell marxava un dilluns, aquell seria el meu últim diumenge.


I said goodbye to God because he was going for a while.

That time became forever and  he didn’t want to come back.

The figs were still open on the table, but no one dared to eat them.

It was the last reminder of that August, that April, the saddest of them all.

I counted the 23 days I had before taking off.

He left on a Monday, that would be my last Sunday.

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